Total paid out to artists throughW.A.G.E. Certification since 2014.Last updated on .

Welcome to W.A.G.E.!

Working Artists and the Greater Economy is an activist organization founded in New York City in 2008. Still artist-run, we operate two connected programs: W.A.G.E. Certification for art institutions and WAGENCY for artists and art workers. Click here  to learn more.


WAGENCY now has divisions! Starting with artists, artist assistants, art handlers, arts administrators, critics, curators, educators, interns, studio managers, and visitor services, additional divisions oriented toward freelance labor will be added in response to collective need.

Over the next few months, we’ll begin integrating into WAGENCY a set of tools to empower artists (+ non-artists!) in multiple capacities across the industry, and involve worker participation up and down the supply chain.

Opportunities for subscribing members to self-organize and contribute to developing tools for their division are forthcoming. In the meantime, WAGENCY members can identify themselves on the public listing page  with one or more divisions.

WAGENCY  is a solidarity union for artists, art workers, and anyone participating in the art system looking to collectivize their leverage.

Fee category adjustment

As of February 12, 2024, the fee category formerly known as Existing Talk, Presentation, or Reading now includes Performance!

Existing Talk, Performance, Presentation, or Reading is defined as the delivery by a single participant of an existing talk, performance, or visual presentation of works, or the reading of a text to an audience. 

Why? Increases to performance fees in July 2023  produced a gap in the W.A.G.E. Fee Schedule in which there were no scalable options for an existing single (one-off) performance by an artist. The purpose of this adjustment is to close that gap. Read more about W.A.G.E. Fee Categories here .

Fees Increased with Inflation

In case you missed it, starting July 1, 2023, W.A.G.E. minimum fees in all 15 categories increased by 25% to account for the cumulative rate of inflation since pricing was introduced in 2014. For more on Fee Calculation and to view the new rates, click here .

Recommended rates for Artist Assistants and Studio Managers also increased:

  • Artist Assisting Starting Rate: $31 per hour minimum

  • Managerial Positions Starting Rate: $38 per hour minimum

Read more here. 

Recently Certified Institutions

#114 KAJE 

#100!! EAI 

#98 Amant 

But who's counting? See the full list of W.A.G.E. Certified institutions here .