Since incorporating as a 501(c)3 in 2011, W.A.G.E. has received financial support from a combination of sources including private foundations, monthly WAGENCY membership fees, annual W.A.G.E. Certification fees, and individual donations from artists, art workers and galleries.
We are deeply grateful for generous support from the following individuals and institutions over the years:
Anonymous Art Matters Pedro Barbosa Additional major support provided by Elyse and Lawrence B. Benenson Richard Birkett Kerstin Brätsch Tania Bruguera A gift from an anonymous donor through The Chicago Community Foundation Leidy Churchman Common Practice New York The Danielson Foundation Moyra Davey & Jason Simon Nicole Eisenman Empty Gallery Foundation for Arts Initiatives Andrea Fraser Marley Freeman Charles Gaines Bety N. Giles Charitable Foundation Ruthie Wilson Gilmore & Craig Gilmore Renée Green & Javier Anguera Wade Guyton Tishan Hsu Jason Huff & Carly Gaebe Rindon Johnson David Joselit David Kordansky Gallery Simon Leung Tala Madani Monica Majoli Allan McCollum Rodney McMillian Henry S. and Margaret Gay Mika Charitable Foundation Fred Moten Sam Moyer Christian Nyampeta Laura Owens Dorothée Perret R.H. Quaytman Carolyn Ramo The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation Amy Sillman Jason Simon Frances Stark A.L. Steiner Mika Tajima Teiger Foundation Terra Foundation for American Art VVrkshop The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
In conjunction with the launch of W.A.G.E. Certification in October 2014, W.A.G.E. kicked off a 6-week fundraising campaign that enabled us to make the transition from a volunteer activist configuration into a functioning *but not bureaucratic* nonprofit organization. Through the generosity of 777 friends and supporters, Wages 4 W.A.G.E. raised almost $53,000! Thank you:
Hans Abbing Robbie Acklen Scoli Acosta Lauren Adams Karen Adelman Laida Aguirre Becca Albee Mario Alberico Alex Alberro Kathryn Alder Arthur Allan Stacey Allan Mark Allen Roya Amirsoleymani Raoul Anchondo Joakim Andreasson Maki Aoki Cory Arcangel Patricia Arellano Jess Arndt Malin Arnell Arts Research Center, UC Berkeley, Shannon Jackson, Lauren Pearson & Sarah Gibbons Douglas Ashford Jacinto Astiazarán Charles Atlas Michel Auder Lindsay August-Salazar Arlen Austin Fia Backstrom Trisha Baga Alisa Baremboym Judith Barry Lynn Basa Math Bass Gina Basso Lisa Bateman Autumn Beck Martin Beck Nora Beckman Michael Bell-Smith Sue Bell Yank Sofia Bempeza Jennifer Benedict Lindsay Benedict Kirstie Benedict Courtenay Benedict Carella Andrew Berardini Stephen Berens Marc Joseph Berg Marina Berio Bob and Debbie Berks R Berks Charles Eladio Beronio Michael Bilsborough Mary Billyou Richard Birkett Nayland Blake Bodega U.S. Chris Bogia Jennifer Bolande Melanie Bonajo Justin Vivian Bond Lindsay Bosch Thomas Boutoux Boychild xxx Ellis Lee Boyd-Berks Matthew Brannon Kerstin Braetsch Aaron Bray April Britski Rebecca Brooks Ginger Brooks Takahashi Benjamin Brown Julia Bryan-Wilson Nicole Burisch Julie Burleigh David Burns Tom Burr Lander Burton Andrea Büttner J C Joshua Callaghan Jibz Cameron Tyler Cann Tony Carfello Kabir Carter Tova Carlin Heather Cassils Toro Castano Michael Cataldi Sam Cate-Gumpert C Caycedo Alejandro Cesarco Audrey Chan Patty Chang Philip Chang Kristen Chappa Carol Cheh Joanne Cheung Daniel Chew L'AJ Childs Cynthia Chris Helga Christoffersen Leidy Churchman Hilary Clark Joshua Kit Clayton Sophia Cleary Margaret Clinton Tyler Coburn Deville Cohen Jem Cohen Selby Cole Chris Coleman Abigail Collins Liz Collins Marcia Collins Commonwealth and Council Elizabeth Conn-Hollyn Ben Coonley Molly Corey Anne Couillaud David Court Mike Crane Anna Craycroft Aurora Crispin Jay Critchley Zoe Crosher Catherine Czacki Deborah Czeresko Dean Daderko Courtney Dailey Jennifer Dalton Lena Daly N. Dash Moyra Davey & Jason Simon Gilda Davidian Aaron S. Davidson & Melissa Dubbin Ruthie Doyle Jake Davidson Samara Davis Ben Davis Steve DeFrank Katrina del Mar Meghan DellaCrosse Shoshana Dentz Greig de Peuter Maria de Pontes d'Heurle d'Heurle Stephanie Diamond Bill Dietz Mark Dilks Cheryl Donegan Cecilia Dougherty Kerry Downey Jim Drain Zackary Drucker DT SC Angela Dufresne Brian Dulaney Walter Dundervill Jonathan Durham Rachel Dwan Janna Dyk JE QU Shannon Ebner George Egerton-Warburton Nicole Eisenman Anne Ellegood Asa Elzen Joy Episalla Deanna Erdmann Amy Erickson Rhys Ernst Lucia Fabio Reem Fadda Edie Fake Adriana Farmiga Joha Fateman Taraneh Fazeli Rochelle Feinstein Alaina Claire Feldman Jessica Feldman Elizabeth Felicella Keltie Ferris Tabea Feuerstein Jud Fine Lauri Firstenberg Cora Fisher Lizzie Fitch Daphne Fitzpatrick Shannon Fitzpatrick Naomi Fisher Becket Flannery Glen Fogel Andrea Fontenot Heyd Fontenot Rachel Ford Alexa Forosty Rachel Foullon Eve Fowler Giulia Francini Side-Part Franklin Andrea Fraser LaToya Ruby Frazier Marley Freeman Su Friedrich Kenji Fujita Suzanne G Malik Gaines Margit Galanter Galería Perdida Galerie Nagel Draxler Gambaroff Jo Chitra Ganesh Lia Gangitano Mariah Garnett Orit Gat Pascale Gatzen Jim Gaylord Aaron Gemmill Anne George Brennan Gerard & Ryan Kelly Alison Gerber Benj Gerdes Lukas Geronimas Andrea Geyer Sarah Gilbert Bety N. Giles Charitable Foundation Melanie Gilligan Chiara Giovando Photi Giovanis Beka Goedde Ariel Goldberg Lily Goldberg Charles Goldman Janet Goldner Guillermo Gomez Sam Gordon Melissa Gordon Johanna Grabsch Veronica Graham Paige Gratland Sara Greenberger Ron Gregg Mat Greiner Sofie Grettve Kris Grey Jonah Groeneboer Joan Grubin Sabrina Gschwandtner Melinda Guillen Marcelo Gutierrez Wade Guyton Jessica Gysel Lauren van Haaften-Schick Fritz Haeg Shoghig Halajian Christine Hall Gordon Hall Shoghig Halajian Rob Halverson Josephine Halvorson Barbara Hammer Ryan Harman Taryn Haydostian Sharon Hayes Alexandra Hays Marc Handelman Michelle Handelman Asher Hartman Kerry Hassler Kara Hearn Emma Hedditch Patrice Aphrodite Helmar Keith Hennessy Sofia Hernandez & Chong Cuy Naomi Hersson-Ringskog Pati Hertling Corin Hewitt Megan Hicks Rachel Higgins Sarah Higgins Robyn Hillman-Harrigan Faye Hirsch Alex Hischier James Hoff Onya Hogan-Finlay Barry Hoggard and James Wagner Marc Hollenstein Desiree Holman Peter Holzhauer Hood by Air Carrie Hott John Houck Bernadette Houde Houff Foundation Christopher Howard Sarah Hromack Pearl C. Hsiung Jamie and Michelle Hubbard Katherine Hubbard Anthony Huberman Jibade-Khalil Huffman Scott Hug Ashley Hunt INVISIBLE-EXPORTS Victoria Ivanova Mike Iveson Bobby Jablonski Patrick Jackson Shannon Jackson and Michael Korcuska Xylor Jane Jenny Jaskey Stephanie Jauch Tara Jepsen Eungie Joo Young Joon Kwak Amelia Jones David Joselit Jenn Joy Vishal Jugdeo D K Andrew Kachel Stanya Kahn Stefan Kalmár William Kaminski Jane Kaplowitz Chris Kasper Alhena Katsof Helena Keeffe Matt Keegan Karen Kelly Kristan Kennedy Natalja Kent Gelare Khoshgozaran Kathleen Kim Soo Kim Matt King Corinna Kirsch Kristina Kite Alex Kitnick Zak Kitnic Molly Kleiman Philipp Kleinmichel Josh Kline Savannah Knoop Leo Koenig Hein Koh Katy Kondo Jacob Korczynski Bettina Korek Julia Kouneski Kate Kraczon Elka Krajewska Fawn Krieger Emily Anne Kuriyama Hans Kuzmich Alex Kwartler Sowon Kwon Owen Kydd Johanne Laache Lisa Lapinski E Larison Molly Larkey Rhett LaRue Georgia Lassner Louise Lawler Zach Layton Elisabeth Lebovici JaeWook Lee Michelle Young Lee Daniel Lefcourt Zoe Leonard Simon Leung Dan Levenson Dani Leventhal Les Leveque David Levi Strauss Julie Lindell Shelley Lindenauer
Amy Lien Nicolas Linnert Pam Lins A V Linton Matt Lipps Katerina Llanes Sharon Lockhart Melissa Logan Deirdre Logue Andrea Longacre-White Michelle Lopez Catherine Lord Jordan Lord Lothringer13_Florida Lia Lowenthal Mindy Lu Kristin Lucas Sophia Marisa Lucas Sadie Lune Matthew Lutz-Kinoy Matthew Lyons Lauren Mackler Deanna MacLellan Sara Magenheimer Pooneh Maghazehe Lee Maida Elana Mann Abina Manning L. Mylott Manning Caden Manson Jemma Nelson Annabeth Marks Raewyn Martyn Nick Mauss & Ken Okiishi Gloria and Shawn Maximo Anna Mayer Barbara McCarren Marlene McCarty Allan McCollum Karl McCool Julia McCornack Sarah McCrory Danielle McCullough Devon McDonald-Hyman Josiah McElheny Mack McFarland Jos McKain Michael Jones McKean Ryan McNamara Georgie Meagher Saul Melman Simone Meltesen Clara Lopez Menendez Felipe Meres Matt Merkel Hess RJ Messineo Marcel Meury Kimberli Meyer Lucas Michael Caroll Michels Mikey's Hookup Alli Miller Giles Miller Max Miller Yunhee Min Young Min Choi Dylan Mira Allyson Mitchell Rashun Mitchell Jennifer Moon Lior Modan Monograph Bookwerks Sophie Morner Erik Moskowitz Leah Moskowitz Fred Moten Sam Moyer Maia Murphy Museum Planning, LLC Davida Nemeroff n.e.w.s. Bob Nickas Bradford Nordeen Connie Noyes Tav Nyong'o Alison O'Daniel Matt Offenbacher Morgan O'Hara Brooke OHarra Jeanine Oleson Jeremy Olson Alice O'Malley Blaine O'Neill Lauren O'Neill-Butler Catherine Opie Elizabeth Orr Jonathan Osofsky OTHERWILD GOODSANDSERVICES Silke Otto-Knapp Adam Overton Amy Owen Judith Page T Paggett Amanda Parmer Laura Parnes Ester Partegas Ruth Patir Brandon Patrick Erik Patton Julia Paull Dylan Peet Claire Pentecost KP Pepe Michael Peranteau Anne Percoco Sondra Perry Litia Perta Krista Peters Leah Pires Job Piston N. Pittarides Mathew Pokoik Isaac Pool Kristin Poor Nancy Popp Jessica Posner William Powhida Libby Pratt Rit Premnath Laurel Ptak Risa Puleo Jill Ariela Putterman Simon Pyle Rebecca Quaytman Eileen Quinlan Jory Rabinovitz George Raggett Theresa Ramirez Carolyn Ramo Hatuey Ramos-Fermin Elise Rasmussen Sean Raspet Amy Rathbone Joe Reihsen Lee Relvas Laurie Jo Reynolds Tim Ridlen Alana Riley Blithe Riley Gabriel Rivera Scott Roben Victoria Robinson Jean Robison Halsey Rodman Carissa Rodriguez Michelle Rodriguez Marco Roso Andrew Ross Nica Ross Peter Rostovsky Joe Roumeliotis Cameron Rowland Jessica Rowshandel Emily Roysdon Alan Ruiz Miljohn Ruperto Sarah Russin Peter Russo Aykan S. JD Samson Lisa SanditZ Imri Sandström Janet Sarbanes Aki Sasamoto Abigail Satinsky Rod Sayegh Debra Scacco Ellen Schafer Robert Schatz Gaia Schermerhorn Edward Schexnayder Joachim Schmid Carrie Schneider Karin Schneider Mira Schor Matthew Schrader Scottish Artists Union SAU Betsy Seder Colin Self David Senior Paul Sepuya Anna Sew Hoy Lucy Sexton Nizan Shaked Paul Shambtoom Susan Shaw Adam Shecter Tara Sheena Dina Sherman Julia Sherman David Benjamin Sherry Kelly Shindler Greg Sholette & Olga Kopenkina Lauryn Siegel David Sikander Muenzer Patricia Silva Shelly Silver Suzie Silver William Simmons Jeannie Simms Adam Simon Andrew Simonet Lisa Sitko Hillery Sklar Frank Smigiel Joshua Wade Smith Kant Smith SASSAS (The Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound) Rita Sobral Campos Virginia Solomon Sara Soskolne Laurel Sparks Nichole Speciale Emily Speed Mitch Speed Chelsea Spengemann Spinello Projects Miami Frances Stark A.L. Steiner Berenice Steiner Marianne Steiner Dale Steiner Newberg Megan Steinman Beth Stephens/Annie Sprinkle Ann Stephenson Luke Stettner Lorelei Stewart Noelle Stiles Elisabeth Subrin Eli Sudbrack Alexandra Sullivan Christine Sun Kim Nicholas Sung Rachel Sussman Cedric Tai John Tain Mika Tajima Kenneth Tam Lisa Tan Lumi Tan Lanka Tattersall Anna Tautfest Valerie Tevere Astra Taylor Joseph Teeling Weston Teruya Jonathan Thomas Layard Thompson Sarah Thornton Jessie Thurston Johanna Tiedtke Julie Tolentino Karen Tongson Oraib Toukan Ha Tran Ryan Trecartin Ève K. Tremblay Mark Tribe Ali & Helena True Wu Tsang Tuazon Perret Fatimah Tuggar D Tuss Nickolaus Typaldos Nicola Tyson Rebecca Uchill Rachel Uffner Penelope Umbrico Tristan Unrau Tatiana Vahan Nicole Valdes Wallace Scott Valentine Kimberly Varella Chris E. Vargas David Velasco Liz Vento Amy VH Tris Vonna-Michell Jeronimo Voss Peter Walsh Jaimie Warren Patrice Renee Washington Maysoun Wazwaz Noura Wedell Annette Wehrhahn Eva Weinmayr Ethan Weinstock Erica Wessmann Nicholas Weist Jennifer West Charlie White Meredith Whittaker Hanna Wildow James Brendan Williams Sarah Williams Carl Williamson Matthew Wilson Eleanor and Oliver Wise Audra Wist Kate Wolf Matt Wolf Christine Wong Yap Agustina Woodgate Caroline Woolard Grant Worth Suzanne Wright Geo Wyeth Jemima Wyman Allison Wyper Carrie Yamaoka Sacha Yanow Amy Yao Anicka Yi Austin Young Madison Zenzel Amy Zion 356 S. Mission Rd 47 Canal Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous
And your comments:
:-(-: :) $$$ ! !!! !!! "My W.A.G.E. RAGE at work." THANK YOU for what you do. "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain <3 <3 A day late + a dollar $hort A few years ago, your information was very helpful to defend myself against my state tax revenue department. I was successful. Thank you very much for your work! A very important cause. It's about fairness! Always happy to support the great work WAGE is doing. Amazing things <3 Art student. My (undergraduate) degree costs $160,000 only in tuition money. Artist should always be paid! Thanks for your hardwork! Because $TRUGG¬£‚Ǩ$ sap ¬¢REATIVIT¬•!! Because I do enough "shadow labor" volunteering at my kid's school. Bravo! Congrats y'all! The new material is fantastic. I hope this helps meet your goal! During times like this how can we not donate and make art Everyone wants my little bit of money, but you guys get it, because wages for art are the ticket to restore criteria in a world that has lost its aesthetic compass For Agnes, who might be an artist. For A.L. Steiner For higher Artist's fees in all The Americas. En Latino America tambien tenemos WAGE RAGE,RABIA SALARIAL. Fuck Yeah. GIVE GIVE GIVE Good luck everyone! Good Luck! Good luck! I hope your target is met! Gooooooo ! <3 Got a grant and I got a job. Some parts of the art world treats me right and other parts just ignore me unless I serve to care and to listen. I'd like some of that service and care to come back into my direction. Maybe the donation will help. Great job!! and thank you for doing this important work! Great ORG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hats off to W.A.G.E. for doing important work. Hell, yes! Here we go! Here's to certification spreading across the land HMH Services Honoring my sister A. L. Steiner who in my eyes #is everything I believe in this! Donate what you can, if you can. If you can donate, make a contribution for someone who can't right now. I have W.A.G.E. Rage because I am a "successful" but totally non-commercial artist. I have W.A.G.E. RAGE because I'm an art student and I'm broke and will be broker once I have to start paying off these goddamn loans. I heard A L Steiner speak only about her work recently, and she briefly mentioned this, but her commitment with so many good ongoing projects left an impression on me that gives me the kind of life one can hope for. This is where money ought to be spent. I love you, Listings Project loves you and we are so happy you exist! I never get any fucking grant and most often have fucking wage rage Here is 100 borrowed from amex credit card at 15% interest rate be my guest keep up the good work I really am broke, but I support the cause! Next, could you advocate for fair wages for arts writers?? I support this because capitalism still exists and we currently need money to survive but looking forward to a day when our value is not based in any form of currency. Until we are ALL able to live in abundance, I believe in paying people! I support this cause. looking forward to seeing where this goes! I support WAGE's fight for artist fees. Solidarity means nothing if I don't put my money where my mouth is. Good luck! I wish it could be more. Important work for all artists! In support It's only right. Writers for W.A.G.E. Keep on keep on Keep on keepin on. Xo KEEP UP THE IMPORTANT WORK LACE is on board! Let's change the way it works! Lise! Listen up! Listen up! Pay the artists! Love Love the work you are doing and the dialogue it's generating. Love to you all <3 Love you wage. No more economic inequality and corporate exploitation! No need to send a poster On behalf of our staff and every artist on our roster. On behalf of the Feminist Art Gallery, Toronto On behalf of the Feminist Art Gallery, Toronto Our labor must be acknowledged and supported! Thank you WAGE. Pay artists what they are worth. Pay W.A.G.E. so W.A.G.E. can keep fighting the good fight! Power to the pie slice and therefore to the class. RAGE ON RAGE ON WAGE!!!!! THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN!!!! RAGE ON! RAGE ON! Rage on! Rage rage at the no wage. haha Institutions, museums, fly you in, hotel you in, and don't pay you? What the f ? They HAVE TO pay a responsible honorarium, even so they are nonprofit... most artist are nonprofit! except for the 1% :) The Whitney Biennale paid NOTHING,their excuse is 122 artists. They allow so many artists so they don't have to pay! its a conspiracy :) They leave in a fucking bubble. They are the horror that's hard to say no. I shelved my integrity and took the easy calculated yes...rage rage at the no wage. i am done! good rage good bye! Xx Rage the measly minimum W.A.G.E.! Rage! W.A.G.E.! Against the plutocratic right! Rock on amigos SENDING LOVE ! So badly needed. Thank you, I will join in this effort, and make it part of the education of my students! So in agreement about the movement. So impressed with the details of your certification program. Thank you. Sorry to be late, under deadline pressure. Go grrrls and buoys. Thank you and support Thank you for doing this. It's about time! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO!!! Thank you for making a difference for us all! Thank you for raising awareness on this important issue! Thank you for the work you do. You deserve to get paid, too! Thank you for this tool that is crucial to our field. It will be key in allowing us, as administrators, to do our work better. Thank you W.A.G.E yes, it is a structural catastrophe, payment for labor is a good thing. Even if out art is FREE, does not mean it should be for free. how did this happen? who mixed that up? THANK YOU WAGE FOR TAKING SPEARING THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM!! I just got asked to participate on a panel, give an artist talk and do a performance for FREE! Cultural capital is nice but you can't eat it!!! Thank you, WAGE on! THANK YOU! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks Thanks Thanks for this Thanks Lindsay Benedict for bringing this to me. Thanks to W.A.G.E. Thanks to you all! Thanks WAGE for this. Thankyou The Scottish Artists Union supports WAGE's campaign and is in solidarity with the cause to encourage proper remuneration for artists. THE WAGE RAGE IS REAL This calculator is SUPER helpful - thank you! This is really important! This is where our collective money should go! Especially now after the hideous election results This matters. Transparency = Accountability Very proud of this movement! Voluntary exchange between sophisticated parties is the cornerstone of a free society. I support WAGE because it asks artists to think economically, own their economic agency and shed the myth that to be a good artist you must accept a bad deal. W.A.G.E. is mighty! W.A.G.E. On! W.A.G.E. on!!! You need artists! And we need a living wage! WAGE against the machine! WAGE RAGE Wage rage for all the amazing artists I represent! Wage Rage! WAGE RAGE! I donate because we need the good work WAGE is doing. We could not have gotten this far without you. Congrats, Lise and co! We support you! WErk When everyone else involved in a show is being paid, the artist should be paid. When we work for nothing we will be paid nothing. Wish I could give more! Don't stop! Fight on! Wish I had a grant about now Wish it could be more! Working for free to make culture more exciting is so passé...... can we do a workshop for Stolkhom Syndrome? x struggle x xo XX. Y.E.S. and THANK YOU!!!! Yay for pay! Yes Yes Yes, I have W.A.G.E RAGE !!!!!!!!!!! Yes! YES! YES.